7 Hidden MacBook Features to Know About

7 Hidden MacBook Features to Know About

Apple’s MacBook lineup encompasses various models, including the MacBook Pro, MacBook Mini, 14-inch MacBook, and more, all of which come equipped with a range of impressive hidden features waiting to be explored. From efficient screenshot and screen recording tools to simplified emoji access, these features can enrich the user’s Mac experience and enhance their productivity. Here are seven such hidden features of the MacBook models that users must know about. Screenshots and screen recording Taking screenshots and recording the screen are really useful features that can help users with several tasks. What a lot of people do not know is that MacBook has some hidden keyboard shortcuts that make capturing screenshots fairly easy. Some of these keyboard shortcuts are: CMD+Shift+3 for taking a screenshot of the entire screen CMD+Shift+4 for taking screenshots of a selected area CMD+Shift+5 for opening a dedicated dashboard for screen capture. This dashboard streamlines the process by giving all the essential options for screen capture in a single location. Here, the user can record specific screen sections and customize their screen recording process. Auto-launch programs For a streamlined startup routine on the macOS, one has the option to automate the launch of one’s preferred applications upon logging into the MacBook.
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